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Downloading & installing Microsoft Office fonts on Mac

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If you’re using a non-Microsoft app on macOS to view or edit documents made in Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint or other Office apps, you may run into situations where documents are not displayed as expected because you’re missing fonts that are part of Microsoft Office.
These are fonts such as Calibri and Cambria.

Luckily, you can manually download and install these so the fonts will show up in any application that needs them.

Estimated time: 3 minutes

How to download & install Microsoft Office fonts on a Mac:

  1. Navigate HERE in your browser.

  2. Download the .ZIP file

  3. Unzip it

    By default on a Mac you can simply double click the file.

  4. Open the unzipped folder

  5. Select all the .TTF files inside the folder

  6. Right click the selected files and choose Open

  7. Click “Install Font” for each font that appears

Note: Changes to fonts take effect when an application is opened or a user logs in to the account or computer on which the changes occurred, see support.apple.com.

Note 2: To meet legal requirements, you should own a Microsoft app which contains these fonts.

Source: StackExchange
